This page is dedicated to Anatomy which is a requirement for Black Belts.
The Appendicular Skeleton
Of the 206 bones in the human body 126 of these make up the appendicular skeleton.
The Bones of the Appendicular Skeleton:
4 Pectoral Girdle ........Clavicle (2) and Scapula (2)
6 Arm and Forearm ....Humerus (2), Ulna (2) and Radius (2)
58 Hands ....Carpals (16), Metacarpal (10), Phalanges (28) and Sesamoid (4)
2 Pelvis .....Coxae (2)
8 Thigh and leg .....Femur (2), Tibia (2), Patella (2) and Fibula (2)
56 Feet ......Tarsals (14), Metatarsals (10), Phlanages (28) and Sesamoid (4).
The Spine
33 Bones
The Heart